I decided to:
A. Leave the gender of the main character ambiguous. Use an androgynous figure and never mention 'he' or 'she' in the game.
B. Make the game randomly generate the skin tone of the main character.
Then I ran into more problems:
-How many skin tones should I include? Four? Three? Five?
-Are these hairstyle androgynous? (personally, I only think one of them captures that look)
-Should the user be able to choose their skin tone? (including a "doesn't matter, randomly assign my skin tone" option?)
These are problems that mainstream games do not deal with. They simply use white male, white female large breasts, or Italian plumber.
I think number two is most gender-neutral. I like the ideal of a randomly generated skin tone, with maybe 4 different tones? Or maybe even the 3 you have?
Can I play when it's ready?
I think you should be able to choose. That way I can FINALLY be a white woman with large breasts.
Nice idea, but people(like sara) have already started taking it in wrong way.......
If you want to improve your skin tone then make use of portable infrared sauna
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